The art of sock monkeys
Shantell Carrizales, left, teaches students Adrian Avila, 13, at front right, and Megan Shaw, 10, how to make Valentine’s sock monkeys at a class at Wild Child Art Studio on Sunday, Jan. 27.
Shantell Carrizales, left, teaches students Adrian Avila, 13, at front right, and Megan Shaw, 10, how to make Valentine’s sock monkeys at a class at Wild Child Art Studio on Sunday, Jan. 27.
A new group is forming in Mexia to mentor boys and young men ages 10-18, an age at which the influence of an older man can go a long way
A need to check and update the alarm system at the Limestone County Courthouse was thoroughly discussed by county commissioners at their meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22. The court also
Twelve members of the Mexia High School DECA chapter qualified for state competition based on their presentations at the District V Career Development Conference in Bastrop on Jan. 19. The
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868