A great sendoff ... it’s not up for debate!
Wortham ISD conducts a “send-off” for their debate team heading to state. Pictured are Samantha Lee and Ben Havens. They walked through the halls of all three schools to cheers
Wortham ISD conducts a “send-off” for their debate team heading to state. Pictured are Samantha Lee and Ben Havens. They walked through the halls of all three schools to cheers
Mexia businesses started off the new year right, showing a 14.12 percent increase in sales tax receipts compared to the same time period last year. The Mexia numbers were part
The Limestone County Fair Association held its Validation Day on Saturday, and the work went much smoother and faster than in the past since participants were able to download forms
Tommy Tucker is an engaging storyteller. And having turned 100 years old Dec. 16, he’s got a lot of interesting yarns to spin, accumulated over the century he’s been alive.
Mexia native Frederick Conner will be the keynote speaker at Mexia’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day program, to be held at the Mexia Civic Center on Saturday, Jan. 18, after
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868