MHS duo earns national honor for voter-awareness project
Two Mexia High School seniors have earned recognition in the national DECA magazine for their project to increase voter awareness.
Two Mexia High School seniors have earned recognition in the national DECA magazine for their project to increase voter awareness.
Mexia High School 10th-grade students Cameron Kindred, 17, left, and Carlos Gaviria, 16, perform the classic Abbott and Costello comedy routine “Who’s on First” at the Tuesday auditions for the Rotary Club of Mexia’s 65th Annual Talent Show, held at the Mexia High School Auditorium. Mexia’s McBay, Sims and Junior High students have one last chance to try out: Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Music Room of A.B. McBay Elementary School at 3:35 p.m. Photo by Roxanne Thompson/ The Mexia News
A man jumped to his death from the Milam Street railroad overpass about 9:30 a.m. Thursday.
Mexia News Staff Report
A man jumped to his ultimate death from the Milam Street railroad overpass on Thursday morning shortly after 9:30.
Mexia High School will host a Career Fair on Tuesday from 8-11:30 a.m. at the high school gym.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868