Presidential candidates turn their focus to Texas as early voting begins
Bernie Sanders wasted little time Friday night at a Dallas-area rally getting to what he said would be a “dramatic announcement.”
Bernie Sanders wasted little time Friday night at a Dallas-area rally getting to what he said would be a “dramatic announcement.”
The community of Point Enterprise held its annual Chili Supper Saturday and had a full house, including two political candidates running in the upcoming Republican primary.
A number of Mexia High School students have advanced to the DECA state competition to be held Dec. 20-22 in downtown Fort Worth. Students who will compete at state, from left, are Loc Le, Entrepreneurship Series; Aaliyah Hendrix, Apparel & Accessories; Selena Butler, Quickserve Restaurant Management; Magali Luna, Sales Project; Rachelle Curry, Community Awareness, Mattie Crosby, Community Awareness; Zenaida Luna, Sales Project; Kamryn Nichols, Marketing Communications; Brianna Luna, Travel & Tourism; Kaitlyn Hawkins, Travel & Tourism; Marisol Ortiz, Enterprenership Series; and Madison Rodriguez, right, Restaurant and Food Service Marketing. Courtesy photos
Mexia City Manager Eric Garretty updated the status on allegations against former Mexia teacher and band director Conrad Flusche, issuing a press release Thursday afternoon on the matter.
My 3-year old grandson, Jack Jack, was so excited about buying all the suckers for St. Valentine's Day. He loved holding them and sucking on one as he helped his mother get cards ready for his preschool Valentine's Card Exchange yesterday.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868