Coolidge cuts through Zephyr; ready for Watauga Harvest
Coolidge football coach Nathan Hayes says there’s no mystery what Zephyr will try to do against the Yellowjackets when the teams meet in the first regular-season game of the season
Coolidge football coach Nathan Hayes says there’s no mystery what Zephyr will try to do against the Yellowjackets when the teams meet in the first regular-season game of the season
The season opener for Wortham and Itasca was one of those cat-anddog fights one wants to avoid, especially considering the surprising results. A game that was expected to be hotly
Wortham football coach Chad Coker said his young team would have to grow up fast during the early part of the season. They played a close first half at Itasca
The Mexia football team got into a shootout with Cameron Yoe in its opening game of the season Friday night. And while the Blackcats took their shots, the Yoemen had
The Mexia volleyball team swept to victory in three sets at Teague Tuesday. Game scores were 25-10, 25-12 and 25-16. Mexia coach Kimmie Daily said her team played well in
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Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868