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Gov. directs TWC to apply for federal lost wage assistance

AUSTIN (Aug. 20) - Gov. Greg Abbott today announced that the Texas Workforce Commission has applied for additional unemployment benefit funding made available through President Trump’s Lost Wage Assistance Executive Order. If granted, this funding will provide an additional $300 per week in benefits for qualifying Texans receiving unemployment benefits.

Pistol-packing preachers did what needed to be done

Pistol-packing preachers did what needed to be done

As pioneers pushed the frontiers westward, Bible-toting circuit preachers either rode with them or followed close behind. Often they carried a pistol in their saddlebags along with the Scriptures, for they might encounter Indians or outlaws in addition to the sometimes hostile elements to carry the Word of God to the farthest edges of civilization. Occasionally the pistol lay on the pulpit along with the Bible to guarantee that a resistant flock listened to the message.


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