COVID-19 vaccine pace rises while statewide hospitalizations drop
Capital Highlights Gary Borders
Capital Highlights Gary Borders
If the classic shape of a heart pops into your mind when you think of February, you’re not alone. With Valentine’s Day falling at the exact mid- point of the month, stores are filled with heart-shaped cards, candy and more to celebrate the annual holiday of love. But there’s another reason that hearts should be on your mind right now. Each February we celebrate American Heart Month – a perfect time to refocus on staying heart healthy and giving this important organ the attention it deserves.
Texas’ rivers are iconic. But the groundwater that sustains them is invisible.
Surrounded by a raiding party of Kiowas, Texas’ most respected African-American and three other black teamsters had no choice but to stand and fight on Jan. 27, 1871.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868