Swimming lesson
I am a certified Baby Boomer, so when I grew up in the 1960s there were nearly three zillion kids in my neighborhood.
I am a certified Baby Boomer, so when I grew up in the 1960s there were nearly three zillion kids in my neighborhood.
Dear Heloise: Yesterday I purchased a bundle of fresh basil from our vegetable stand in town. It had just come from the garden and had a lovely strong odor to it. It was used as a topping for a grape-tomato, cheese and asparagus salad. How can I keep the remaining basil fresh? -- Mary Ellen C., Southbury, Connecticut Mary Ellen, cut the basil stems at the bottom and place them in a glass of water, as you would a bouquet of flowers. Change the water every few days. Do not refrigerate them. Similar to most herbs, they will need to be used as soon as possible to get the full freshness. -- Heloise
The dog-day heat wave has sent power demands to new records, the Austin American-Statesman reported. With much of the state enduring an excessive heat warning, power demand peaked at 85,559 megawatts last week, breaking a record set last August.
There will be no citywide Labor Day events in Mexia, but families and friends will likely be getting together to celebrate the end of summer Monday, Sept. 2.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868