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My favorite meal

Here’s a great question from a Texas reader: “Why is the pizza round, the box square, and the slices cut into triangles?” This is a complicated question for me. In school, I had so much trouble with geometry they put me in a simpler class called “Meet Mr. Number Guy.”

Flooding prompts disaster declaration

Heavy rains through Texas last week caused flooding, particularly in the Dallas area, prompting Gov. Greg Abbott to issue a disaster declaration for 23 affected counties. Texans who were affected by the rain, which dumped more than 10 inches in Dallas, are encouraged to file insurance claims with their providers and to complete the voluntary Self Reporting Damage Survey issued by the Texas Department of Emergency Management by visiting damage.tdem.texas. gov. The survey helps the state identify damage across Texas to gain an understanding of what areas were affected during the recent severe weather.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868