Mexia LTC News
This week at Mexia LTC, we started the week off with Bible Study by Irma Carranza. Residents also enjoyed a game of bean bag toss with Michelle from Reliant at Home Hospice on Monday morning. Residents played bingo on Monday afternoon. Residents enjoyed their Bible Group with Bob Kersten on Tuesday morning. Residents had their Residents’ Council Meeting that afternoon. Residents will have their exercise group on Wednesday morning and play bingo that afternoon. Residents will play ring toss on Thursday morning and celebrate our March birthdays with a birthday St. Patrick’s Day party that afternoon. The sweet Wings of Joy ladies will provide entertainment for our party. Sindra with Accent Care will help provide refreshments for our party. Residents will enjoy manicures on Friday morning and play bingo that afternoon. Residents will have worship services on Sunday morning and enjoy Church services either online or on TV on Sunday evening.