Make these 10 doctor-recommended health resolutions in the new year
(StatePoint) The New Year is the perfect time to hit the reset button on your health and wellness. Not sure where to start? Doctors say you can make the biggest impact with small, incremental tweaks to your routine.
Wildlife officials respond to questions about CWD detection, whitetail depopulation at research facility
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) continues to rear its ugly head across the Texas landscape. To date, several hundred CWD cases have been reported in more than two dozen counties in captive and free-ranging animals including white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk and red deer.
Dear Heloise: I worry that pineapple is too acidic for me. It’s not that I’ve had any problems as of yet, but I know that it’s a tropical fruit. So many tropical fruits have a lot of acid in their edible parts. So, is it actually unhealthy to eat pineapples? -- Eunice H., Anaheim, California Eunice, while pineapples are an exotic fruit, and the juice is certainly acidic, it may help reduce or prevent inflammation and aid in healthy bowel movements. It also contains manganese, which is used in our bodies to build bone and tissue. It has fiber and is high in vitamin C, but low in calories.
Broken date with Davy saves friend’s life
Davy Crockett spent Christmas Day 1835 at Nacogdoches waiting for Ben McCulloch, but when the younger Tennessean was a noshow, his hero went on without him to San Antonio.